Reply from President's Lady

Suggested wording for the reply.

"Ladies, Gentlemen, and Brethren.

I would like to thank (Names Person Proposing Toast) for the Ladies Toast and you all for the way in which you received it.

I would like to give a special thanks to some people here this evening.

(Names Personal Guests) for coming in of support of (names WM) and I.

I should like to take this opportunity to thank the current and past Masters of other lodges and their wives who are here. Over this past year we have enjoyed some good times together which I hope will continue in the future.

Thank you to (Singer's Name) for your wonderful singing and (Musician's Name) for the excellent musical support and (Name of DC) for making sure the evening runs smoothly.

Thank you to (Name of Festival organiser) for organising this evening, and the rest of the team for making it perfect.

To the members of (Name of Lodge) I would like to thank for this evening as I know these events offer you the opportunity to go shopping with your wives – something I am certain you really do enjoy …..

So to any one I have missed I would like to say a big thank you for making this a great evening.

When I asked (WM or DC) how long my speech should be he said like a ladies skirt, long enough to cover the important parts but short enough to be interesting.

And with that as the Masters Lady I choose to end it here ….

Thank you all."

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